Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Old McDonald had a......

Often the only thing that amuses little Luca, is a bit of a sing along. Super Simple Songs has been a godsend. So, I use this opportunity to play around with volition.

Have you ever heard a phrase unfinished and your brain just spits out the rest of it to complete it?

An incessant urge to complete an incomplete chunked phrase. Kind of like how Roger Rabbit can't resist finishing "Shave and a Haircut......". You might have experienced this with a song that is stuck on repeat in your head. You try and try to not repeat it over and over, but it just keeps going on and on  and on. "I'm a barbie girl in a......".

That incessant automatic-like function of volition on repeat...again and again and again and.....So, as Old McDonald plays out, my brain, so conditioned to know the words to it, starts to sing along.

This sit is aimed at simply becoming aware of that incessant urge to sing along, to finish the learned phrases. I don't try to stop it but just become aware of that brief instant of mental movement to "do" over and over. Slowly while doing this, the experience of the volitional movement starts to fade, lose momentum and suddenly....stop! and of itself. Ignorance of this volitional movement fuelled its continuance. The absence of ignorance triggers its cessation.

Little Luca amuses himself in the meantime while Old McDonald does his thing.

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